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GT 205 complete kit

£45.00 In Stock

Product Code: 000275

The Gro-Tank works in the following manner – nutrient solution in the tank is lifted by the pump onto the channel.
Once there, it begins to flow down the channel, being drawn evenly across the entire width of the channel by the spreader mat. The Gro-Tank works in the following manner – nutrient solution in the tank is lifted by the pump onto the channel. Once there, it begins to flow down the channel, being drawn evenly across the entire width of the channel by the spreader mat. As the solution flows down the channel the plants will take what they need, anything not taken by the plants falls back into the tank in order to be re-circulated. The stream lined tank maximises headroom and fl or space and is unobtrusive in the growroom. Comes complete with pump, delivery tube, spreader mat, pH test kit, acid, top plate and full instructions