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Gro Star Reflector small

£125.00 In Stock

Product Code: 000337

Minimum of 95% Total Reflectivity and Multi-Layered Surfacing Brightened. The Grostar is made from a combination of the following alloys namely MIRO; Aliminium/Silver, Silicon dioxide and Titanium Dioxide.

MIRO is capable of reflecting a 'plant friendly' spectrum due to its colour correcting qualities. This means reflection is of a fuller spectrum making for more lush plant growth. Miro is used in Lighting industries to increase the efficiency of any available lighting source. The Grostar is the only reflector in the world today that is made from MIRO.

The angles created for this reflector were designed by physicists to omit a perfectly even, downward spread of light. The completely even light spread has many benefits including reduced 'Hotspots' and maximum efficiency from the light source. Gardens grow level under this reflector, the Grostar almost eliminates pyramidal growth patterns.

The intense reflection given from the GroStar makes sure artificial lighting sources penetrate deep canopies of foliage meaning no wasted Energy and maximum plant production.

The GroStar is made from one piece of material. This is to maximise reflectivity as any joins, folds etc in the material would equate to a loss of reflected lumens.

The GroStar can actually decrease a gardens artificial lighting requirements by maximising the reflection and spread from each source of light.

This is the ultimate in horticultural reflector technology.

Very Light Weight - Approx 1kg

Recommended lamp:

125w-300w CFL


250w-600w Metal Halide/HPS Systems

- Intensity of reflected light Lumens per m2 (LUX): 8229@1m, 33880@30cm
- MIRO multilayer surface gives 95% reflectivity and enhances the colour spectrum of the lamps.
- Virtually no hot spots.
- Dimensions: L= 800mm W= 800mm H= 280mm